Fiona and I arrived home lunchtime yesterday from our 'work-work' to the NT. As usual with homecomings after being away for about three weeks, the last day and a half have been filled with unpacking, washing, mowing grass, whipper-snipping weeds, spraying weeds, catching up on administration and maintenance - I'm almost exhausted just typing that. But we have also fitted in a trip to our local bakery and sitting drinking bubbles on the southern deck whilst watching the sunset in the west.
However we made a pledge that we are going to try to do a little creativity each day for the next three days - given we can't really do any hands on stuff while we are away working. So mid afternoon - down we went to the studios (in my case the garage-workshop).
I planned to do a simple light catcher made from an old weaving shuttle I bought about 6 weeks or more ago. I thought if I kept it simple I should be able to do it in a couple of hours and it would make me smile. So the finished product, I have called it
Light Shuttle, is below. The piece was photographed quickly outside - so the mountains are in the background again. It is fairly small - about 250mm high and 150 long and 50mm wide.
Barry Smith © Light Shuttle - side |
Barry Smith © Light Shuttle - front |
Barry Smith © Light Shuttle - top |
The photo below shows it will reflect the light.
Barry Smith © Reflecting the light |
And it all started with this old shuttle. The shuttle has good wood in it and some interesting asymmetrical curves and grooves.
Barry Smith © Old weaving shuttle |
I have added some plumbing brass bits for interest and highlights; buffed the brass on the emery wheel; made a bolt to bolt the brass bit in at the back; and gave it a polish with beeswax.