
Saturday, July 18, 2009


As I have said on my blog timber is a significant element of my sculptural work. I have quite a lot of salvaged off-cuts of timber stashed in various places around our yard; but needed some really large pieces for the November exhibition. David Linton of David Linton gallery salvages and mills timber locally so I was able to wander his paddock and identify logs that I wanted milled for my pieces. So a ute load of 200mm by 200mm and 300mm by 300mm short lengths were delivered a few weeks back.

I also could not resist the temptation to get David to mill eight 350mm cubes for me out of a rose gum log. They are beautiful – not quite sure what they will become yet???
I have started to use some of the 200mm by 200mm pieces – as you can see from the photo it does pose a challenge when sawing with a hand saw – but I can really recommend the one in the photo. Though it did take 15 minutes to cut through the hard and dry timber – good for the arm muscles I think.

I got a local group of timber fiends called the Woodies to do some turning for me in preparation for creating a few elements of pieces – I always love the way the timber shows its beauty with a bit of cutting, sanding or turning


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