
Monday, August 10, 2009

Ice and alms

I still think the ‘weekend’ is a great ‘invention’ – somehow it does give you the excuse to stop doing many other important things and just get into a bit of creativity. My few hours in the workshop saw me going off in two different directions: finishing a ‘post’ piece of work; and cutting up a brass knapsack spray and beating out a small brass palm sized begging bowl – obviously only for small but high value offerings!!

The recycled timber and salvaged acrylic ‘post’, now titled Clear as Ice, was reworked from an earlier piece I did for the artists’ book exhibition – but I was not happy with the earlier result so the 'v' shaped top was removed. I think the squared look is cleaner. Clear as Ice is now for sale at Maleny Artworks.

A very old knapsack spray picked up as part of the roadside rubbish event has provided some great sheet brass including some that is pitted and aged. I like both the pitting and pleats in the bowl. I think the rivets not only have a function in binding the pleats but add a point of interest. And it was really great fun to make.

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