
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Exhibition aftermath

Fiona and my In the Stillness Exhibition has been going for ten days now. It does not take too long to make the transition from intense exhibition preparation to getting back to normal.
As you can see from the photos below my work area ended in a clutter of metal off-cuts, tool, rivets, filings etc.

So yesterday was given over to a couple of hours of sorting and cleaning. Suddenly we had a garage and work bench again. But it didn’t take too long to create a clutter of a different kind – a chainsaw in pieces.

No not a new art piece. I was cutting up some logs with the chainsaw and absentmindedly put the wrong fuel into it and presto one seized up chainsaw. Fortunately after a mechanical strip down I have managed to free the piston and ring up – not too much scoring in the barrel – so hopefully I will get a bit more life out of it. I need to use the chainsaw to shape a cube for the next COMA exhibition Maleny Image 6: mapping the Range which will open at Maleny Artworks on 12 December.

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