
Sunday, February 7, 2010

Rain, heat and flowers

Yesterday I was reflecting on things that were hot on the block - weather and chillies – and the lack of rain. Well the last 12-18 hours has just been grey and wet, wet, wet. We have measured about 125mm thus far. However we should not complain given that folk south of us have had over 400mm in the last 24 hours.

I always get a bit concerned when we have heavy rain – it is always a test for the terracing and the gravel mulching. But you can see from the photos that the water is all flowing into the rock river and the gravel is slowing down the flow – all good so far.

The heat and rain has been great for the frangapanis this year - lots of growth and intense colour in all of them; and great perfume from the white and yellow flowers.

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