
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Two sculptures - progress

The rain is back on the mountain - did someone mention that it had gone away? There is no doubt I am beginning to get a touch of cabin fever - it is hard to get outside to do work on the block; or to cut up and assemble the bigger pieces for the Lucas Parklands exhibition. All the photos in this post are wet as it was still raining when I took the shots.

Yesterday I did manage to get about four hours done when I could work under shelter of the carport at the shed.

I worked on two pieces: one is a post (300mm square and 1.2m high - rose gum, very hard and very heavy); and the second piece is a rusted metal leaf cut out of 3mm rust iron from the fireplace I cut up earlier.

I managed to cut the post into its length and shape; and to cut the pieces I will embellish the post with from 2mm sheet metal (the old rusted trailer floor James kindly donated). I am looking forward to this piece coming together - I think it will have gravitas - but will also tell a quiet story of water falling in the forest (that is how I will use the rusted plugs Kim gave me).

The metal leaf is about 750mm long and 300mm wide. I cut it out of the sheet metal with a fibre cutoff blade in my angle grinder. I have yet to grind all the sharp edges off it yet - but already the rain is bringing out some nice new rust. I bent the leaf using the tie down rail on the trailer. I think the negative space leaf also looks pretty good - but again needs a bit of grinding to make it safe.

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