
Sunday, December 26, 2010

First roast

Hoping all have enjoyed Christmas; and are now relaxing and recuperating on Boxing Day and regaining energy for the journey ahead - I know that is what we are mainly doing. Still I have to tell a coffee story that relates to our good friend Jeff.

Barry Smith © MVR coffee
In past posts Fiona and I have shared the fact that we have grown a small plantation of 30 coffee bushes on our block.

We harvested the cherries.

Pulped them to get the beans out. Soaked the beans to remove the slimy outer cover. Dried them in our dehydrator. Took the husks off to get the green coffee beans out.

We have now roasted our green beans in this fully automated roaster that Jeff gave us as a gift for helping him sort some of his stuff out.

We ended up with great roasted beans; and ground them ready for brewing.

Brewed the coffee in our espresso pot.
Barry Smith © Brewing MVR coffee
And made coffee that we shared with Jeff. And amazingly it tastes really good.

 Great coffee that has only travelled 50m.


  1. oh wow!!! am i imagining it or do i really smell the coffee?! that looks so wonderful! and thank you for sharing the pics of how homemade roast coffee is done ... really interesting esp the roasting device :)
    trust you and Fiona had a wonderful Christmas and here's to a magical year ahead :)
    BIG HUGS!!

  2. L-glad you enjoyed the coffee process - does show it can be done at home. F and I had a quiet family Christmas and are now catching our breath for the magic of the year ahed. Positive vibes for you, your husband and babe. Go well. B

  3. Beautiful photos and fantastic to grow and roast your own.

    Have never seen your particular machine. will have to go look at some reviews.

    BTW, how do you find that roaster working for you?


  4. I really can smell the coffee! Hmmmm, it must have been amazing growing, roasting and brewing your own beans.
    Everything of the best for 2011!

  5. how great that you, fiona, and friend can enjoy good coffee. me, i wish, oh wish i could have a little tea plantation! (if i liked raspberry leaf for other than medicinal reasons, i'd be all set, having acres of wild raspberriies)...
    happy to you.

  6. wow! This must be so fun for you and such a yummy treat!


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