
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

COMA does weeds in the local library

Our esteemed Collaboration of Maleny Artists (COMA) leader Ken Munsie has rounded some of us up once again to do a themed exhibition. The latest is Maleny Image 9  - Introduced. The introduced is about feral things but given the fact that our local library is promoting weed week most of us used that as the basis for our pieces.

On Monday Fiona and I joined Ken to put up the 18 pieces of the contributing artists.

Barry Smith © Maleny Image 9 - Introduced
As you can see from the photo above the display looks good. Ken tells us that when the exhibition is taken down from the library it will be set up again in one of our local coffee shops - the Up-Front Club. If you check out Ken's post you will see all the pieces in their glory. The colourful exhibition is receiving very positive reviews from library users; and hopefully creating a little awareness about the danger of weeds taking over.

My work (and Fiona's) focusses on Ageratina riparia (also known as Mistflower and creeping crofton weed) - it is a garden escapee.

Barry Smith © Introduced (weeds)
The finalised piece above.

Barry Smith © Foldformed anodised aluminium leaves
Barry Smith © Foldformed anodised aluminium spiky flowers 
Barry Smith © Foldformed anodised aluminium spiky flowers and leaves
Barry Smith © Foldformed anodised aluminium spiky flowers and leaves

And above photos of bits in construction mode - which I had posted on some time ago. The piece is made from cold foldformed recycled anodised aluminium that I cut from old canisters, cake tins etc.


  1. this looks like a wonderful show. so fun to be part of things like this. all your pieces are wonderful mister B.

  2. Looks great Barry... crofton weed is dreadful stuff tho'.

  3. Barry,

    I love hearing about your's and Fiona's activities!

    My background in horticulture that there is no such thing as a "weed" only plants that end up in the wrong place are termed so. The examples of the artwork above and your pieces highlight the beauty of these species. Brilliant!

    Wishing the both of you an excellent week!

  4. Love the star type pods/flowers. Remind me of Star Fruit. Someday I hope we can see you form folding the leaves and other items. PS.. I'll have to work on a better "view from above of cutting. :)

  5. Thanks for the link to Ken's post - I checked it out and all the pieces look great, especially yours and Fiona's! Keep up the good work, both of you - and have a great weekend!

  6. You do such diverse and unique and creative works.. beaten and foldformed and cut and molded.. wonderful metal works.

  7. Hello, Barry

    Awe inspiring your works...
    It lets me feel warmth with the humanity.

    Thank you for your usual visit and heart.

    Have a good weekend.
    From Saga, Japan.
    ruma ✰

  8. Such beauty wrought from common place objects...the colors and shapes are amazing.

  9. TL, JM, BS, SZQ, TT, D R & S - thanks for your support on this community venture. TL - the group challenges always bring out something quirky in all of us. BS - I totally agree most of our plants are but former weeds. SZQ - one day you will venture down-under and share the view and the metal beating; look forward to the view of image from your eye perspective. D- whilst the mediums might be diverse there are only a limited number of messages or themes in the works. S- correct - it gives me a lot of joy to take something described as junk and then reshape it and let it shine again. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.