
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Give-away 'winners' & more on stone

The give-away draw was carried out today as promised. The names were put into the Singing Bowl and drawn out against each of the three give-aways.

Ersi M's name was drawn for the brass tube ring.

Gaby B's name came out for the two earring leaves.

And Helen I's name was drawn for the 'tadpole' spoon.

Thanks to all those who posted a comment. If the 'winners' can send me their postal address to me at my contact address on my website  I will get those give-aways in the mail.

Fiona and I have been away in Melbourne for a couple of days 'work-work'. We got back Saturday afternoon. I spent three hours this morning with Craig Medson (our workshop sculptor-teacher) helping him to break up a large slab of sandstone into five pieces. I learnt a lot about breaking stone with wedges etc. Craig was still there breaking stone and setting it up for us to carve - big thanks to him.

©2012 Barry Smith - Craig hammering wedges - stone splitting
©2012 Barry Smith - Wedges in place
©2012 Barry Smith - Wedges in place
 I just love the outcome - from a big slab weighing several tones to working pieces for the two-day workshop.

©2012 Barry Smith - Stone in workable pieces
©2012 Barry Smith - Stone has a 'mind' of its own - beautiful curves
When the stone broke in its own unique way Craig said, "you have to be flexible with stone". I loved that comment given the stone was so hard. I think we will have a lot of fun on next Tuesday-Wednesday doing this community sculpturing work for the Peace in the Trees installation as part of the Creative Spaces 2012 placemaking art. Should be some interesting photos regarding what 12 volunteer novice sculptors can produce.


  1. Barry, I can't believe this! I won the ring that I had fallen in love with! This is my lucky week. I'll email you my shipping address and thank you so much! It's a joy to have one of your pieces.

  2. Congratulations to the winners! I will be watching with interest to see what you do with your slab of stone Barry.

  3. Congrats to all the lucky winners of your giveaway. You look lie you are back in fine form Barry...splitting rocks.

  4. congratulations to the winners! how happy they will be...
    and what i would do to experience working with stone like this... peace in the trees sounds like a wonderful venture...

  5. Wow - I turn my back and look what happens out there where friends are busy creating. Love all the posts you have done with the sandstone Barry. Wonderful to see what all of you were creating with you individual pieces of stone but almost best of all to me was seeing the stone being split and the glorious photos and images that arose from the splits and crack, the textures and so forth. Beautiful.

  6. What a great surprise! I can’t believe that I won the two earring leaves. I am so delighted to have been chosen. I'll email you my snail mail address.

    Thanks a million , Barry!

    Sending big hugs your way,

  7. the process is just amazing!! this was how the pyramids were built!


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.