
Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday's fragment

Though we are still quite low recovering from the 'flu' I still felt the need to just have a little time beating metal and trying out the new stake and hammer.

I did about an hour of annealing and beating on a 12-15cm disk of recycled copper. So it went from flat, to almost 'flower-like' and then to a raised bowl shape.

©2012 Barry Smith - Flower-like form
©2012 Barry Smith - Colour after fire
©2012 Barry Smith - The colour of fire
©2012 Barry Smith - Friday's fragment
I think I was trying to push it too fast - hence the folds. The bowl is about 7.5cm in diameter at this stage. I think I will still try to close it up to be more pod-like if I can - but on another day. Patience and a bit of instruction with a master should sort me out in terms of my folds and technique.

I'm satisfied with my 'Friday fragment'. I have done my dash on the energy front so I will sit and have another rest.

Bad news on the wine front though - we have been so unwell we haven't even felt like a glass of wine - now that is sick!!!


  1. No wine? You must be sick!:-) Hope you are both feeling better soon Barry. I'm taken with your pod shaped bowls and don't mind the folds at all.

  2. More wine and less beating! Not really .... Think it
    admirable that you wanted to tinker in the studio at all today Barry. I hope you are feeling better soon. x

  3. Yes, that is sick! Wishing you both a speedy total recovery.

  4. Yes, delicious creations, I like your textures and beautiful colors they emit.

  5. That 'fire' colour is just soooooo incredible.

  6. Oh dear, wine deprivation, it can lead to all sorts of problems. Like the bowl of fire.

  7. I do hope you're both feeling better now Barry. That bowl is just glorious! I don't mind the folds either

  8. R, SB, AA, L, JM P & C - thanks for the visit and well wishes. I have only got back to looking at blogs etc - we have been down and out but now on the way up. Didn't even have the energy to do any creative stuff over the weekend - but that will turn around soon. Interesting that folk don't mind the folds - I'm glad as I do as well - I think they add some additional dimension. JM - beautiful colour of heat. And wine deprivation - what can I say. All go well. B

  9. hahaha!!! i like the last line!!!

    and the fold looks super cool! i thought you did that on purpose. i hope you wouldn't do anything to smooth that out ... it's like a signature feature for the bowl :) super love!!

  10. L - yes bad when the wine tastes bad. I agree I too love the folds - as long as folk don't just think they are mistakes - I also like leaving the fractured beaten edges - they look old and sacred and worn. Good to see you on line. b


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