
Friday, November 23, 2012

Post card from Auckland

Fiona and I have been walking the streets of Auckland. Foot travel always gives one the opportunity to capture a few of the bits of public art, textures and structures. As part of this Auckland postcard I thought I'd just share a a very very small number of photos of 'public art' I saw and captured.

Stacked stone arch  - entry to our local park
Rusted figure - appeared to be part of a small art precinct
Series of peace murals - restored and transferred from original wall to poster wall  
One of the many peace murals
One of three installations in Western Park by John Radfrord recording three demolished historic buildings
One of many word seats in Lorne Street - beautiful stone carving
Fiona up close and personal to the lettering
A flight of birds as a fragment of a larger sculpture
One of a series of peace doves suspended  in a lane
Beautiful larger post installation on the waterfront 
Painting of children in a window on a derelict building
Of course what one sees and then what one captures on the iPhone is but a very very very small fragment of what the world around us offers - but at least we drift through it with eyes open. None of the photos have been altered in any way hence the fact that many are not quite framed well.


  1. Enjoy all it has to offer, sounds like a great trip.

  2. great pics Barry..I'm impressed they were all taken with an must have been hard to not manipulate any of them as I know it can be addicting!

  3. an interesting mix of artworks B. I like the sandstone sculpture the arch is a nice touch. K

  4. i particularly like the last painted piece...very cool.

  5. wow! the buried demolished building had a strange effect on me ... one word came to mind, Dystopian.


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.