
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Manning the barricades

Today Fiona and I joined Sonja to look after the Printmakers of Maleny Exhibition.

It was a long day but we introduced 66 people to the works - and sold a piece - and that makes 5 sold. So far about 150 people have been through the exhibition. It has been good to see quite a few of our artist friends coming through checking out the work and giving moral support.

As you can see from the panoramic photos below the exhibition is a great joint effort by 10 printmakers.

©2013 Barry Smith - Wall of creativity
©2013 Barry Smith - Tables of creativity

©2013 Barry Smith - Entry to Sonja's Studio 
Fiona and I have sold one piece each.

©2013 Barry Smith - Fiona's Flight and my Lone Tree with red dots.
Another day to go. Feedback from visitors in the visitors book indicates that people really appreciated seeing and talking about this form of art and have asked for further exhibitions in the future - so looks like there will be more.

Photos taken with the iPhone - and pano by Autostitch - shooting the pano created the curved wall - interesting.


  1. looks like a great day for you guys. the venue looks really airy and relaxing too. and yea ... i really thought the wall was curved!!

  2. That worked well Barry...clever phone (and you). Lovely exhibition.

  3. I also thought the wall was curved :-)
    Congratulations on your sale! So glad all is going well.

  4. L, JM & R - thanks for checking out the exhibition online. Usually the Stitch pano shots are not curved - I think it was because I had to shoot from such close range. Thanks for wishes regarding the sale. Go well. B


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