
Friday, December 27, 2013

Images after the snow

On Christmas Day Fiona and I walked part of Central Park. It was very cold but only fragments of snow remained; and there was still ice in the ponds and streams. What caught our eye was all the dead heads of blossoms and grasses - they made for good photos - but of course after a time we had to say enough was enough as our fingers began to hurt.

Below are a few of the images..

So whilst the day was not snowy the impact of the snow a week before offered its own beauty including the leaves and feather caught in ice on stone.


  1. Beautiful! You and Fiona have inspired me to visit NY more often. In fact, when John takes the girls skiing each Saturday in January and Februart, guess where I plan to be. Happy wandering!

  2. I love the frozen times of winter... brings things to their essence. Love the captured leaf :)

  3. b...the last few pictures capture the essence of winter beautifully...much love light and blessings~


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