
Sunday, June 15, 2014

Sharing with friends - old and new

©2014 Barry Smith - 601 mvr studio-gallery sign - the rust just gets better
Well another Open Studio has passed. Fiona and I always ask ourselves what these events are about - is it the promotion of our art; is it about selling; is it about profile? Well - yes it is about all those things; but it is also about sharing the art story and the art journey with people - some folk who have visited the studio before; and some new visitors including some whom just saw the Open Studio sign on the side of the road and decided to drop in.

The number of visitors was steady over the weekend - it gave us the opportunity to: spend time with people; to learn a little more about each other; and it gave us time to re-affirm that Fiona and I have a fortunate art live.

I thought I would just share a few photos of the studio and how it was set up for the weekend. There is every chance that Fiona will share many similar photos.

©2014 Barry Smith - An overcast start to the weekend - but beautiful soft mountains
©2014 Barry Smith - Temporary metal workshop for the weekend
©2014 Barry Smith - Temporary jewellery assembling area at the front.
©2014 Barry Smith - Fiona in her workspace
©2014 Barry Smith - Artist deep in thought
©2014 Barry Smith - Stairway up to the gallery shop
©2014 Barry Smith - Peace and Stillness nook on the way up to the gallery shop
©2014 Barry Smith - A little Steampunk at the top of the stairs
©2014 Barry Smith - Pods - displayed in white sand and black box as per Susan's suggestion
©2014 Barry Smith - A table of bowls, bells and bangles
©2014 Barry Smith - View from the top of the stairs
©2014 Barry Smith - Large patinated leaves
©2014 Barry Smith - Vessel - almost floating
©2014 Barry Smith - Daily Leaf-words
©2014 Barry Smith - The sun sets on the weekend
And at the end of the weekend we are tired but happy.


  1. Barry, your photos and Fiona's give a lovely feel for the studio set up and the peaceful atmosphere that seems to come naturally to you both. I'm so pleased you had a happy weekend and I'm tentatively thinking I may get to the next one. Your large patinated leaves are gorgeous - I think there will need to be one in my collection before too long. Congratulations to you both!

  2. Great to be able to browse through your open studio, Barry. It almost makes up for not being there in person. The "almost floating" vessel looks like ancient treasure.

  3. Love the way you've set I tup. I'd have been there but for a trip to Brisbane.

  4. Wonderful tour, Barry. Love the pods in sand, great idea!

  5. Hi C, R, JM & VA - thanks for your ongoing interest and support - encouragement from fellow artists is the best - keeps the spirits up. C - the block and the gallery have come quite a long way since your last visit - I think you have left it far too long - be good to see you up this way. R - pleased you enjoyed the browse both through my blog and Fiona's it is a good way to just bering the gallery-studion virtually to fellow artists. The floating vessel is new for me - and you are right it does have a very old feel and look. JM - we missed your visit. VA - i think the sand works really well with these small fire colour pods - I will definitely use this as a way of presenting these pods. All - go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.