
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Library of small books

In my previous post I indicated that I intended to make a library of small books - a precious library: silver-plate over EPNS; and containing precious words of peace.

I managed to complete 11 small books over the weekend (the smallest is 20mm square and the largest is 75mm high and 40mm wide). A few photos of the books that are the beginning of the library follow.

©2014 Barry Smith -A library of precious small books
©2014 Barry Smith -A library of precious small books
©2014 Barry Smith -A library of precious small books
©2014 Barry Smith -A longer slender small book
©2014 Barry Smith -A precious small book
The peace words stamped in the books are:

  • pax
  • imagine peace
  • mindful of peace
  • participate in peace
  • peace for all
  • make peace a positive
  • dreaming peace into being
  • in this moment, breathe peace
  • give peace a chance
  • be peace
  • peace is a verb

Some followers of Fiona's blog will recognise their words in the list above. All the books are made from offcuts from recycled silver-plated trays.

Over the coming months I will add to the library - if you would like your favourite peace words included in the growing library please leave a comment with them in it; and please keep the words brief as it is a library of small books.


  1. Lovely idea, Barry. As I said yesterday, I really want earrings and I think I'd just like love on one and peace on the other. I'm ready for these whenever you have time.

  2. Oh, that's cool... my words stamped in metal now in a tiny library. I was inspired when they were blowing in the breeze in peacgram form, and now in a tiny book, will the wonders ever cease!

  3. A precious library indeed - totally beautiful in concept and execution. Love the idea that you will keep adding to this collection. Can't think of anything more inspiring than that which is written already ....

  4. yep, i agree with the above. and these books demand to be read, too!

  5. Hi C, VA, SB & V - again sorry folks for very tardy thanks for your visit and comments - I really do appreciate them and never take them fore granted. C - I have started on your love and peace earrings - such gorgeous wearable books. VA - hoped you would not mind your words becoming part of this library. SB - I'm sure there is a content for one of the books in you. V - i hope the wee precious nature of each book will invite curiosity and readership. All - peace and joy. B

    1. Thanks Barry, I'm hoping to be coming your way in November. I'll let you know when.


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.