
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Of ice and art

A few photos of some sculptural works in the square outside our accommodation; and the crystals of snow and ice that greeted us on our walks. 

Looks like it is going to be crisp and cold for the few days we are in Prague. And looks like the wine will be cool climate wines?


  1. Brrrrrrrr...... Are you sure you're not in Connecticut? Hope you packed your winter coats for this trip. Love the photos of the iciness along your stroll. Does Prague produce ice wine? Just wondering... Enjoy and watch your step. That ice can be tricky!

  2. Am thoroughly enjoying my vicarious European holiday... thanks Barry. I hate the cold and would never venture anywhere that snows, as beautiful as it is.

  3. I'm so enjoying your trip! I loved Prague, and trying really hard not to be too envious. Gorgeous pics, thanks, Barry!

  4. Hi J, L, JM & C - sorry it has taken me a while to acknowledge you welcome comments - finally getting on top of things since returning home and dealing with plane lurgy. J - it was really cold the day after the ice storm - could only stewy outside walking for about an hour. The ice wine reference crossed my mind as well. Thanks l. JM - always good to venture into the cold as the rewards beautiful - snow covers a multitude of ugly things. C - glad you enjoyed the sharing of a few trip photos - our first visit to Prague - which we enjoyed. All - go well. B


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