
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Rust n stone

Fiona's photo of me by a standing stone at the Steness circle of standing stones.

Fiona and I have been wandering the main island of Orkney. We have experienced may magnificent Neolithic sites - many stone circles, tombs, villages and single stones. It is too hard to share that beauty. Instead I thought I would simply share some of the rust and stone from more recent times that we have seen as we walked and drove the roads.

Grinding stones at an old working mill on Orkney

Rust and wood in the streets of Stromness

The remnants of war - rust on an abandoned ambulance and an abandoned car fro WW2.


  1. Love the textures in these photos
    If you are still on Orkney and haven't already been there tomb of the eagles is a wonderful place to vist

  2. These are a few of my favourite things... I especially like that grinding stone that's made in pieces. What a stunning place, Barry, loving all your, and Fiona's, photos.

  3. J, c and S - thanks for checking out the stone and rust - both lovely in their own strong way. J we were fortunate to visit the tomb of the Eagles and enjoyed the personal story and the history. C - such skill in both the whole and multi piece grinding stones but of course the multi piece stone provided the opportunity to enjoy the combination of stone and rust. S - know what you mean. All - go well. B


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