
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Reflected and blue skies and other matters

On Monday I didn't get to walk Treehaven Way; but did a walk around the block as well as doing my Tibetan rites.

I was totally captured by how the clouds were reflected on the surface of the water in the big fire pit bowl - which was full after recent rain. A couple of different formats of the same shot follow.

This morning on my walk in Treehaven Way it was the big blue sky that called out to me.

And of course there are the other textures and colours that are ever-present to offer the opportunity for a smile and lift in spirit.

I still enjoy my iPhoneography walks as the encourage me to see the world in greater richness.

1 comment:

  1. Your walks are always packed with riches, Barry. Lovely photos! Is that a yellow dahlia at the end? Gorgeous, whatever it is...


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