
Sunday, June 25, 2017

Partners in the press

Whilst I said I was going to do further work on the peace leaves I got somewhat sidetracked.

I joined Fiona as her assistant doing a tricky letterpress run that had to be resisted to fit around an etched plate she had done.

©2017 Barry Smith - Our 1890 Lightning Jobber letterpress
I know Fiona will do a blog post on her work; but below I share some a few photos of the work of our 1890 Lightning Jobber letterpress. Such a gorgeous piece of machinery.

©2017 Barry Smith - Doing a bit of proofing to get the alignment right
©2017 Barry Smith - Fiona changing a couple of letter that were not printing correctly
©2017 Barry Smith - A study of concentration as Fiona sets the next sheet in place
©2017 Barry Smith - Good to go
©2017 Barry Smith - Quite a nice run of prints - some choice there in terms of what to keep
It was a thoroughly relaxing afternoon working through all the stages of the letterpress printing process. Can't wait to do more of it. I used to do a bit letterpress printing in my early days and forgot how much I enjoyed it.

©2017 Fiona Dempster - Able assistant on wheel duty

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