
Friday, November 24, 2017

Sanding, starting and selling

Bit of a mixed bag for a Friday. It has been a clear and rain free day.

Most of the time today has gone into sanding under the handrails on our many decks. Why I hear you ask? We have decided to strip all the decks (112 sq m) back to bare boards and give them a natural oil rather than the paint-stain that was on them. A professional is sanding the larger areas; but I need to sand all the bits close to the edges and under the rails (10cm above the deck boards). A very boring job that is hard on the knees, back and neck - but the end result will be worth it.

I did manage a little time to progress a couple of lamps. All the bits are selected and threaded etc ready for grinding and polishing before assembly. I hope to complete them over the weekend - sanding and weather permitting.

©2017 Barry Smith  - Collection of found objects that will come together to make an Artisan Lamp - includes gas lighting bits, brass section of a gas stove
©2017 Barry Smith  - Another selection of objects that will come together to make an Artisan Lamp - includes Artdeco  antique gas light fitting
A set of Fungi bowls went off to a new home today. That means I have none in stock so I better get back to the stake and hammer.

©2017 Barry Smith  - Fungi Bowls
A full Friday on the block.


  1. Busy, busy. Like the look of the fungi bowls. Love the name.

  2. Hi P - thanks for checking out the brief post. The bowls are based on wood fungi - I love the shape and name. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.