
Sunday, March 25, 2018

Rust and other fragments in the landscape

No time in the studio/garage today as I was helping a friend move house. One of the payoffs however was seeing the vehicle below on the side of the bush road. I love the way nature is just incorporating the vehicle into landscape by growing around and through it.

©2018 Barry Smith - A passenger of a different nature
©2018 Barry Smith - It would be good to see this vehicle in 10-20 years to see how well the tree is doing
It reminded me of the other bits of rust and worn layered paint that I captured in Scotland; including some bits of rust in the snow. So for rust lovers here are a few photos.

©2018 Barry Smith - Disused fence strainer Armadale bay
©2018 Barry Smith - Rusted stationery engine behind the cottage 
©2018 Barry Smith - Rotted post and rusted iron ring coated in snow
©2018 Barry Smith - Sparkplug, snow and rust
©2018 Barry Smith - Layers of history Thurso
©2018 Barry Smith - Rust and stone
©2018 Barry Smith - Worn walkway in Edinburgh
I guess I will be back in the studio soon.


  1. we used to have lots of old rusty farm machinery out back. rust in snow...

  2. Loved the rust and ring photo the most. Good to have you both home though ..... or in your southern hemisphere home!


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