
Monday, October 1, 2018

A different light

My time in the cottage this time has again reinforced the contrasting nature of the light in the Highlands.

Though there is often a pallet of greys; there also can be sunshine in the foreground with a squall in the background; of a moon with scudding clouds. On a single walk there can be different skies in four directions. On Friday on our walk to the fishing cove the sun was peering through clods on the right and the moon was periodically appearing from behind clods on the left.

Following are a few random photos of the Highland light.


  1. love these photos of your wild windy place on the other side of the world

  2. MC and P - you are much neglected - you visited and left comments almost a month ago. Thank you for your patience and faithful visits and comments. MC - the wildness is one of the big draw cards for me. P - a fascinating landscape. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.