
Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Walk on a soft cool morning

©2019 Barry Smith - Dew on rose petals this morning
This morning started very gently with soft suffused light in the valley; and gentle dew drops on the flowers. It made for an uplifting walk made more energising by the beauty of nature.

©2019 Barry Smith - Soft valley dawn
©2019 Barry Smith - Unfolding with its back to the sun
©2019 Barry Smith - Eucalyptus blossom with beetle 
©2019 Barry Smith - Very old Eucalyptus cones with lichen
©2019 Barry Smith 
©2019 Barry Smith - Scruffy young butcher bird - keeping an eye on me
©2019 Barry Smith - Unfurling
©2019 Barry Smith - Berries with gossamer web
©2019 Barry Smith - New pine cone
©2019 Barry Smith - Purple Quandong fruit
The day proceeded to get very hot so it is good that at the end of the day I can reconnect with the morning.


  1. As usual lovely photos. Getting very hot here..

  2. I don't think I've ever seen a Quandong fruit before ... but the color definitely put me in mind of your color mixing earlier this month!

  3. Hi P and LA - sorry it has taken me a while to acknowledge your comments. P - thanks - the heat is just crazy - hard to deny climate change with the recent records. LA - there are a few Quandongs but my favourite is the one with the purple shiny fruit. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.