
Saturday, October 5, 2019

Postcard based on an old shed

©2019 Barry Smith - Wee old shed at Foindle
I was very taken with the old sheds and cottages Fiona and I saw on our trip to and from Ullapool.

Fiona had bought some water colour pencils so I thought I might try to do a water colour post card of one of the old sheds - I chose the small shed at Foindle (photo above) - I love the colours, oval window and rust.

My start was quite tentative - I have not used water colour pencils before so I did not know how much one need to apply before applying the water.

©2019 Barry Smith - Tentative colour sketch
I was not sure if one could go back in for a touch up or two - probably not supposed to but I did. It strengthen the colours.

©2019 Barry Smith - Progressing and testing
I added black ink lines to frame some aspects.

©2019 Barry Smith - Adding a bit more strength
And finished with another bit of touch up and water.

©2019 Barry Smith - Not a bad start - could of course have a bit more background detail
I asked fiona to label the postcard - it might become part of a series.


  1. Looks great. Going back in is totally allowed. :)

  2. You can do what you like with any medium . I like that shed

  3. how I love process ... and this shed, with its oval window and ragged edge roof, was the perfect subject

  4. VA, P and MC - thanks for your comments. VA - good to hear that from a very skilled watercolorist. P - always good to have a go - the garden shed has transformed well. LA - I agree this old shed is special - so unique with it's oval window - a story right there. All - go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.