
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Valley light and gorgeous discoveries

©2019 Barry Smith - Soft valley light
Just for a brief moment yesterday the early morning light was just right to silhouette (below) the CBD of Brisbane some 80klms away.

©2019 Barry Smith - CBD of Brisbane appeared in the pale straw light
But it  was another construction that caught my eye this morning - the intricately built bower of a Satin Bowerbird. And it would seem the male bird's efforts had paid off as there was a female bird very interested in the bower with it's violet flowered forecourt.

©2019 Barry Smith - Each twig has to be specially placed - amazing

©2019 Barry Smith - Violets add a natural touch - I have never seen violets used before
Tree haven Way is still offering colour even though we are having dry and some very windy weather.

©2019 Barry Smith
©2019 Barry Smith
©2019 Barry Smith
©2019 Barry Smith - Suffused with morning sunshine
©2019 Barry Smith
©2019 Barry Smith - Jacaranda blossom caught on spikes of Lomandra
©2019 Barry Smith
©2019 Barry Smith
©2019 Barry Smith 
A beautiful soft morning with sunshine breaking through.


  1. your view is breathtakingly beautiful as is the fine bower

  2. Beautiful photos. How exciting to have a bower birds bower.


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.