
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Getting there

©2020 Barry Smith - Eleven presses (counting the etching press) in place 
The presses are in place; and much of the heavy work has been done; but there is still a long way to go. Below are a few images of the home of Decklededge Press so far.

©2020 Barry Smith
©2020 Barry Smith - Type and paper cabinets
©2020 Barry Smith - Trestles with their new slimline legs.
©2020 Barry Smith - This photo shows the difference in width of the galley presses - the one on the right can take a full A2 piece of paper
Today we purchased more storage from IKEA; so that means more assembling work during the week before we can complete the move and transition of the letterpress studio.


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.