
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Phone fragments

©2020 Barry Smith - Bee on lavender
There was no time for walking this morning - Fiona took her dad to an early morning appointment and I was off to an early morning meeting. Still the iPhone held a few images caught over the last few days including the bee on a lavender stalk yesterday.

The valley is ever changing - morning light and cloud tantalise.

©2020 Barry Smith
©2020 Barry Smith - You can still see a couple of stars in the sky
©2020 Barry Smith - Another morning another view
©2020 Barry Smith - Soft light on camellias and maples
And there miscellaneous bits catch the eye in passing and require a second look.

©2020 Barry Smith - There is always one in the bunch
©2020 Barry Smith - A deep etch
©2020 Barry Smith - Morning dew on leaf on the footpath
©2020 Barry Smith - Fungi near community centre
©2020 Barry Smith - Seed pod
So another busy day on the mountain draws to a close - the shortest day of the year is not far away.


  1. Great photos as usual.I think it is great you are so busy and I hope enjoying life.

  2. love seeing your ever changing view!


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.