I must say that I am still incensed by the response from our federal government to women's current call for equality and justice. In the main the responses have been/are: to deny that there are issues-crimes; to reverse who is the victim; to apologise without commitment; to say they are listening without demonstrating that they actually understand the message; and tokenistic actions.
So we ordinary folk need to continue to put the messages out there. As part of this I am continuing my patriarchy series. I tend to print 7 A3 landscape posters and 5-7 Domestic Posters (Fiona's title for letterpress printed tea towels). Whilst not all men need or endorse the patriarchy the system is currently still in place and is still strong.
The poster on patriarchy in "the house" (parliament house Canberra) was inspired by words from a friend. Patriarchy in parliament house continues to be promoted by the inaction of the governing club; and people who act in a patriarchal manner continue to be protected and promoted to positions of power - further enshrining the patriarchal system for those who want it.
When it is all boiled down patriarchy is about power - male power over women - inequality. Those who are best served by the system will do all they can to protect their system - to protect their power base.
Though DEP prints much about joy, hope and peace; it is also about social issues. Equality and justice for women is, has been and will always be a big one.