
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Moon and other fragments


It is a while since I have taken photos of the moon - I think these are the first moonset lot that I have taken from the back deck of our new home. A celebration of the Easter moon?

The view to the west gives the opportunity to see the moon set behind trees closer to us - opening photo and the following photo.

And of course the Wednesday walk always offers a few delightful fragments.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

We will have our voice

 I must say that I am still incensed by the response from our federal government to women's current call for equality and justice. In the main the responses have been/are: to deny that there are issues-crimes; to reverse who is the victim; to apologise without commitment; to say they are listening without demonstrating that they actually understand the message; and tokenistic actions.

So we ordinary folk need to continue to put the messages out there. As part of this I am continuing my patriarchy series. I tend to print 7 A3 landscape posters and 5-7 Domestic Posters (Fiona's title for letterpress printed tea towels). Whilst not all men need or endorse the patriarchy the system is currently still in place and is still strong.

The poster on patriarchy in "the house" (parliament house Canberra) was inspired by words from a friend. Patriarchy in parliament house continues to be promoted by the inaction of the governing club; and people who act in a patriarchal manner continue to be protected and promoted to positions of power - further enshrining the patriarchal system for those who want it.

When it is all boiled down patriarchy is about power - male power over women - inequality. Those who  are best served by the system will do all they can to protect their system - to protect their power base.

Though DEP prints much about joy, hope and peace; it is also about social issues. Equality and justice for women is, has been and will always be a big one.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Bit of diversity


There are times as I have said before where we jump from project to project - often because they are in different stages. The boat form above is the restart of my small open Scottish fishing boat work - more on that later.

On Wednesday I finished a job for a couple of gardeners in the village - a post on which to hang a hose tidy thingy. Put a bit of art embellishment on to it as well as making it solid and functional.

I started some more cement work today - playing with a new mould and creating some tiny cubes that will float on wire stakes - might finish those on Sunday. I made a timber jig to hold the wires steady when they were embed in the wet cement. Put some small spirals on the wire to fix them into the cement.

A long time ago I made a prototype for my Scottish fishing boat series - below.

Today I started another 10. These are upturned hulls of five of the boats I'm making. I have deliberately left the fire colour and patina on these hulls.

A full Friday really.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Resplendent beauty after rain


One of G's new blossoms - so fresh and rich.

The early mornings are getting dark - dark to the point we need to put a light on when we rise. The village lights are still on when we get up as you can see below.

The dark dissipated quite quickly to reveal a blue sky.

My walk was filled with beauty as you can see from the photos  below.

My current habit on Wednesday is to swing by G's orchid house on my way home to checkout any new gorgeousness - I was not disappointed today - including droplets on rootlets and micro orchids.

John O'Donohue said that in amidst the challenges and dark times we need to hold on to fragments and reminders of beauty - that was not hard to do today.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Hard to see the progress

 Above - repairing a starburst chip on an ornate crystal box.

Today I decided to work on a repair job I'm doing for a friend - stabilising the cracks in a crystal box; and replacing chips that broke off and were lost when the piece was accidentally damaged.

I could not replace the chips with a clear hard setting material so we have agreed to us a product that sets like a white ceramic - though softer in that it can be filed with diamond files such as below.

But the repair needs to be built up. I thought that two applications of the product would do the job; but after quite a bit of filing today I was not satisfied and have added a third layer in a few parts.

Some photos of the filing of the product - I used my jewellers magnifying lamp to give me clear view of what I needed to remove.

You can see where i needed to add bit more product.

So the repair will be completed next week after the product has dried and can be filed.