
Friday, March 26, 2021

Bit of diversity


There are times as I have said before where we jump from project to project - often because they are in different stages. The boat form above is the restart of my small open Scottish fishing boat work - more on that later.

On Wednesday I finished a job for a couple of gardeners in the village - a post on which to hang a hose tidy thingy. Put a bit of art embellishment on to it as well as making it solid and functional.

I started some more cement work today - playing with a new mould and creating some tiny cubes that will float on wire stakes - might finish those on Sunday. I made a timber jig to hold the wires steady when they were embed in the wet cement. Put some small spirals on the wire to fix them into the cement.

A long time ago I made a prototype for my Scottish fishing boat series - below.

Today I started another 10. These are upturned hulls of five of the boats I'm making. I have deliberately left the fire colour and patina on these hulls.

A full Friday really.


  1. MC - in later post you can see where this is going. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.