
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Orchids, moon and fragments


G's orchid house offered some uplifting gorgeousness this morning as you can see from above and below.

We were able to check out the full moon last night as it flitted from behind the clouds.

A few other fragments from the phone - blue banded bee at the studio, blossoms from the garden and peeling paint from a wall in Nambour.


  1. only you could make peeling paint look like a piece of art

  2. Love those orchids, I have some out and more coming. We used to get the blue banded bee on the farm but so far not here.

  3. Your moon photos are amazing as ever! I’ve never seen a blue bee-how pretty! Thank you for sharing these beautiful pix, Barry.

  4. LA, MC, P and J- sorry for the very very late response to your generous comments. LA - the paint did that all by itself!!!! MC - thanks. P - hope you are enjoying your orchids - I have seen very very few of the blue banded bees pop here as well. J - I agree the blue banded bee is so beautiful. All - go well. B


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