
Sunday, June 27, 2021

Every nook and cranny

 Over the weekend Fiona and I assessed and sorted every storage draw, every shelf, every container and every piece of equipment at Deckled Edge Press - a 12 month assessment, clean up and cull.

We found that over the last 12 months some things appeared to have bred - such as brown paper  and paper carry bags as you can see from the photo above of Fiona sorting and sifting.

Included in the assessment was art pieces that were in draws etc - see below.

Some of the groups were interesting.

Fiona measured and marked the larger pieces of metal and wood furniture.

We reviewed how many presses we use regularly; and came to the conclusion that the three in the photo below will be sold. It still leaves us with 4 Adana presses (3 8X5 and 1 3X5).

We also checked out every draw of metal type - we discovered a couple of duplicate fonts and we concluded that there were some fonts that we did not use. Barry checking fonts with Fiona.

A tiring but important and useful process. The next step is to hold a sale - moving on some art work, paper, equipment, ink and presses.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading this and Fiona's blog today; it's been so long since I've been over.


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.