
Sunday, June 13, 2021

This and that

The blog post is as the title says - a bit of this and that: started production of functional pieces; finished some earrings and pendants; sorted and packed a bunch of letterpress stuff to go out into the world; and tested a button maker. 

The production of ladles (roughly formed ladle bowls above), leaf spoons, tea caddy spoons and pate knives started with cutting up metal.

The smelted-melted pieces for earrings and pendants were drilled, ground, polished and assembled.

There was quite an array of stuff I sorted to send out into the world.

I assembled and tested a button maker. Next step is to print the subject matter and make buttons.

All in all a busy couple of days - but also fun.


  1. Gotta love a bit of this and that - a highly productive week really!

  2. I had a button maker when we were back in Virginia ... great, great fun

  3. (((Barry))) you have so much on the go!

  4. F, LA & MC - thanks for checking out this diverse blog - some weeks are just scattered. F - productive indeed. LA - I'm hoping the button maker will indeed be fun but can also be used to create pieces to carry messages. MC - the crazy life of an artist right? All - go well and be happy. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.