
Friday, June 4, 2021

Worth celebrating


During the week Faith and I installed the other two posts to make up her trio installation as you can see in the photo above. Whilst the first post looked good on its own the trio seem to speak to each other.  

Fiona came down to check out the final positioning and in time to take a photo of Faith and I celebrating the installation.

Of course all three of us were able to complete the celebration together. Some additional photos of the trio follow.

The timber colour and rust colour will improve as the trio ages in place. And we have yet to find some other rusty cogs or objects that may or may not be placed on top of the remaining two posts.


  1. what a great assemblage of assemblages ...

  2. LA & MC - thanks for your comments. LA - Assemblage of assemblages - I like that. MC - beautiful to those who appreciate rust and weathered wood. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.