
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Glimmers of brightness in winter

The early mornings are still dark - in vain hope I thought that the mornings would hasten to early light once we passed the date for the shortest day - though that first flush of light is quite gorgeous on a crisp/cold winter's morning. 

By the time I started my walk the early light was catching some of the blossoms such as that wee flower (1.5cm in diameter) in the opening photo. Mind you some sun loving blossoms were not convinced they should open and seemed to be saying it is too cold so I will continue to hug myself and stay closed as you can see from the photo below.

There of course were others showing their beauty.

A visit to G's orchid house did not disappoint - particularly the orchid that was reaching out into the cold and dim light with one petal.

It is good to have such abundance in one's life.


  1. Hi P - sounds like your winter is bit tough. Go well and enjoy the small fragments of beauty you can. B


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