
Sunday, November 14, 2021

Daily inspirations; and found and formed earrings

 There were lots of things going on over the weekend - but I finished the 42 leaves for 6 daily leaf word sets. Some of the metal was more worn than other bits so I ended up with a number of the stamped leaf forms showing deep brass and silver  such as the opening photo.

There are lots of steps in making the leaves  including unfolding the forms.

Grinding and polishing the leaves.

Giving each leaf form a twist.

The end product - a Daily Leaf Word set  - is worth the effort I think.

I got a bit side tracked and decided to make some circular earrings out of metal offcuts - found and formed earrings. A few process and finished photos below.

When cutting the metal for the bowls I salvaged a couple of feet from the base of the tray - now a pair of found earrings.


  1. love the textural pairings of these earrings ... (almost) makes me wish I still wore them

  2. LA - well your comment made me laugh - glad to hear the texture almost enticed you. Interestingly these earrings have sold well. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.