
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Invigorating pink tones and other matters


The photos today are from a walk on the village block as I was scheduled to walk into town for an early morning meeting - hence a short walk. Still I was not deprived of beauty; and it struck me that pink tones predominated - some, like the one above, were vibrant and some lent a bit more towards red!!! 

A quick whip through G's orchid house offered a few beauties.

Only my way back to the cottage a fly on a white blossom captured my eye.

I went to my meeting having been welcomed to the day by beauty.


  1. What a marvelous garden spot you live in! The variety of magnificent blooms you have is always a wonder. Thanks for sharing!

  2. oh! the sixth one down ... purple petals with the tiniest blue flowers-within-flowers ... nature's own mandala


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