
Friday, January 7, 2022

A different sort of day


The focus of the day was metal - melting and pouring metal; cutting silver-plated blanks for word leaves; and slicing tiny (1cm)  and small (2cm) solid silver hearts. As you can see from the above phots above and below I managed to slice the metal for the solid silver hearts.

You can see I was slicing the poured metal with a saw because my side grinder needs servicing. The hearts will make gorgeous  earrings and pendants when polished.

But that is where the time in the workshop finished for the day. Thankfully my time was flexible so I was able to use the rest of the day and a bit of the evening giving a few folk a hand. 


  1. sawing metal ... I cringed and then brought my shoulders down from around my ears ... took myself back to the silversmith's workshop at Colonial Williamsburg ... heard again the sounds of files and hammers ... saw again the patient working of raw material to final product ... and yes, I get it, this love you have for metal

  2. Fascinating effect in the last photo. Reminds me of meteorite patterns.


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