
Friday, March 4, 2022



Tomorrow morning, weather permitting, I'm doing a talk about my metal work; and then taking 20 folk through the steps to make a copper leaf form in the Caloundra Regional Gallery. The leaf making process will include the six stages in the photo above. Participants will take home a copper leaf they made.

Of course it all starts with recycled material - copper blanks cut from the tank of an old hot water system.

I have prepared the metal for the participants including cutting and annealing the metal blanks; and then a bit of grinding to get the sharp edges off - don't want anyone cutting a finger.

I've had to pack lots of bits and pieces for both the show and tell and leaf making - including detaching one of the vases from the workbench. Probably too much - we will see what I use.

I'm ready to head to Caloundra Regional Gallery tomorrow morning. Good solid double cardboard boxes to carry the heavy stuff in.

1 comment:

  1. I do love your hammers ... each with its own purpose

    sounds like it will be a great workshop


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