
Saturday, April 16, 2022

Preparing elements for a post


I have found bits and pieces of time during the week and today to work on elements that will be attached to a post assemblage sculpture I’m making for a local friend.

One of the things she collects is sea glass - this will feature one one or two faces of the post. The glass is being attached to driftwood with silicone and tied with copper wire.

I’m also cutting up some of the rust she has collected from her local beach and has dropped off to me.

The post has been formed out of two large pieces of  oregon pine - donated by a collector/recycler. Sanded out the front of the cottage with a borrowed belt sander

I hope to assemble the bits next week.


  1. Having long been a beach glass collector, I've always been a bit envious of those in the UK who post about finding bits of pottery on their beaches ... attaching them with silicone and copper wire looks to be quite effective both practically and visually

  2. Hi LA - thanks for keeping track of us in our Scottish sojourn; and thanks for your comment. Apparently finding antique bits of pottery can be rare. The clear silicone does work well but the wire gives security. Go well. B


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