
Sunday, June 26, 2022

Another attack on women


Fiona asked me a question to which I have no answer - the question was-is "why do they hate us so much?" Why does the patriarchy feel it needs to take away womens' rights; why are they so afraid of equality; why do they feel they need to control womens' choices; why do they just want to take rights back to the dark ages. I have no answers to these questions.

The recent decision regarding abortion in the US, by an unelected and biased group, a group that does not heed the voice of 85% of Americans, is nothing less than a war on women.

The nano posters in this blog reflect this fact - the patriarchy is continuing to wage a war on women and even coopts women into its war. I have printed white on red to reflect the handmaids tale; and the white on black reflects mourning for the destruction of women's rights and equality.

In these times of despair we all need to hold on and care for ourselves. I was tying up bundles of uplift nano posters and pocket posters after printing the war on women posters.

It's hard to pick one's self up and continue the work to dismantle the patriarchy; but pick ourselves up we must and dismantle the patriarchy we must. If you need one or more of the uplift posters in your life  let me know and I will post it/them to you.


  1. I could not believe it when I saw it all be it late…I am still reeling on the implications of setting them backwards in time to the dark ages ….and all the underground abortions ….will kkk rise again …will herbalists be burnt at the stake????????

  2. the dystopian fiction writers were more clear-eyed about truth than ever we dared to believe


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