
Friday, August 19, 2022

Etched words and hearts for the grief garden


I have etched the plates for the five posts that are to be erected in the MNC grief garden. Each post will have an etched plate with a word on the front face and a heart symbol (such as the above) on the top.

The aluminium plates were etched with a mixture of copper sulphate and table salt. Below - mixing the  potion, bubbling brew and copper residue floating to the top. The face of hearts and words sit about .3-.4mm above the etched metal - see the L towards the end of the blog post.

The paint used to stop the hearts and words being etched away was removed with nail polish remover when the plates were etched, and cleaned.

Some photos of the finished plates.

I need to drill some holes in the plates so they can be attached to the posts.  


  1. Well, quite aside from the lesson on etching (which is still quite a mysterious process to me), I took quite a lovely internet tour in search of "MNC" ... learning much not only about the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre, but about Maleny itself (not least, how to properly pronounce "Maleny" ... which I've been mispronouncing for years)

  2. Hi LA - thanks for comment regarding etching - love how the post took you on a bit of a tour of the MNC - it has been part of our town for 25 years. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.