
Friday, January 20, 2023

Art in the landscape


Fiona and I have done a lot of walking whilst we have been in Sydney house-cat sitting. One think I love about cities is the art that can appear as graffiti or on fences around building sites - some of it is impressive - commissioned one would think. 

Just sharing a few of the many and varied bits we saw.

I also love the fact that many artists can't resist a blank canvass (aka wall) or space - so glad that is the case. 


  1. there seems to be a preponderance of things that fly and hands that hold ... all in all, so much color and artistry ... I confess to appreciating how outdoor murals have proliferated in the past decade, especially those on otherwise uninspired junction boxes, alleyways, and such ... I even like the graffiti tags that clack by on the freight trains at railroad crossings

  2. oh darn ... forgot to put my name to the comment again ... Liz


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