
Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Monotremes and marsupials in our backyard!!!!


Fiona and I were reflecting on the fact that in the space of a week we have been fortunate to enjoy the beauty the the only two 'groups' of monotremes (egg laying mammals) and two beautiful marsupials (young carried in the pouch). And these beautiful creatures are in our backyard or within walking distance of our home.

The echidna in the opening photos was there to welcome us when we went to check our veggies and G's orchids.

We have now seen platypus quite a number of times in a pool (see photos of a very still reflective pool above) along one of our walks. The photo of the platypus below was taken after it raced away from feeding along the bank just below our feet.

The little pademelon was seen in the remnant rainforest at Mary Cairncross park; and the wallaby with joey in pouch in the area just below our house. The photo further away using my iPhone was taken by Fiona.

How fortunate indeed - we must work hard to support and future such special creatures.

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