
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Away - moods of the moon


Fiona and I went to the coast for a few days to celebrate my birthday and life etc. Our unit had a deck that looked out across a river and the sea. When sitting out having dinner and/or a wine we enjoyed nightly moon shows. The photos in this blog are in a bit of a random order - though those from the last night tend to come first.

Photographing the moon with the telephoto lens of the iPhone can be a bit random - but what is not to love about moody photo of the moon?


  1. oh to be by the sea ... under a full moon no less ... heaven

    so I checked to see whether the moon will be full when our family gathers in August ... and it will almost be, waxing through the week ... Liz A


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.