
Friday, March 15, 2019

The Unbound Book of Compassion - finished

©2019 Barry Smith - Brushed back of one leaf of the unbound book on rusted typewriter
It was a good feeling today to finish The Unbound Book of Compassion for the Compassion: Artists' Book Exhibition. There is a lot happening on our block, and a laundry renovation as well, so lots of distractions and calls on one's time.

I really like this book - not only does it have great content; it also has a link to early unbound books particularly those used in meditation and chants; it has links with the book leaves that were made from palm leaf and other fibrous leaves; and it has links with small shallow sacred and meditation bowls that were-are held in the palm of the hand.

A few photos of the process follow.

©2019 Barry Smith - Hammered the back of the leaf form without destroying the stamped words on the other side
©2019 Barry Smith - Book leaves stamped and formed into shapes that fit the palm of one's hand
©2019 Barry Smith - Polishing the stamped side of the leaves to a brushed finish using a steel wire wheel
And then the finished book - photographed over at the shed and workbench.

©2019 Barry Smith - Brushed finished leaf in typewriter keys - marks from the anvil show on the stamped face of the leaves after they have been hammered on the back
©2019 Barry Smith - High polish on the hammered backs of the book leaves
©2019 Barry Smith - Detail of some of the points the book leaves stand on
©2019 Barry Smith - The Unbound Book of Compassion with a couple of pages 'open'.
©2019 Barry Smith - The Unbound Book of Compassion - the leaves nestling in the upturned position
©2019 Barry Smith - The Unbound Book of Compassion - the leaves nestling together on their side 
A good way to end a Friday.


  1. love the photo of your unbound leaves standing on en pointe !

  2. This is so beautiful an so precious B...

  3. a vision made real ... thanks for taking us along

  4. T, MC, AA, F and LA - what neglect - sorry for my late reply - and thank you for your very positive response to this book. T & AA - thanks - high praise there from both of you. MC - en pointe indeed - quite elegant I think. F - the contents certainly add a precious dimension. LA - sometimes the final product and photos make sense of the early process photos. All - go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.