
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Coos, blossoms and other fragments

©2019 Barry Smith - I can see you
This post will be a mixed bag - I'm still coming to terms with the transfer of photos to the laptop and sizing them for a blog. I will get there as I do more posts. Anyhow in the end I decided to upload a few fragments from the last couple of days including coos as seen fro the photos above and below.

And field blossoms - some would call them weeds.

And a couple of photos from Sandside Harbour

I guess the mixture is not so bad.


  1. I really like your odds and sods. Very impressive coos.

  2. Oh Barry, how lucky we are that you are turning your articulate camera on Scotland so that we who may never come there can participate in its beauty, like you do for us at home in Australia. Those lichen-y steps to the water are especially touching. Thanks.

    1. To which I would add, I love imagining speech that renders "cows" as "coos" ...

  3. P - thanks - there will be more odds and sods over the coming weeks. D - thanks - continue to enjoy - nature does paint tis own beauty on the stones. Go well. B


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.