
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Leaf in hard tumbled stone

©2019 Barry Smith - Simple leaf form cut into local stone
It was a wet day today so it offered the opportunity to do in-cottage jobs like fixing the lock on the front door, fixing the weather seal to the front door and sanding and painting the area around the kitchen towel rail - all quite mundane but necessary.

After lunch I got to do more stone cutting on the extra hard tumbled rock picked up from the cove at the end of the village. The photo of one of my chisels below demonstrates just how hard the inclusion the rock are. It will take me a bit of time to grind-file the chips out of the chisel.

©2019 Barry Smith - Badly chipped tungsten stone cutting chisel
Still I managed to get a reasonable leaf form cut into the rock.

©2019 Barry Smith Few spots of rain on hand-size stone
©2019 Barry Smith - Stone on workbench in outside garden shed
It has joined other rocks on the tiles in the fireplace until we decide on a better home.

©2019 Barry Smith - A few other stone ready to cut
Now time to sit back and enjoy a Friday wine in the highlands.


  1. Gosh that's hard stone, you have made such a smooth line with hand tools!

  2. The incised leaf is especially powerful next to the uncarved stones.

  3. All sounds wonderful, love that rock. Will never get to the Highlands but enjoying being there with you.

  4. Hi MC, D & P- thanks for enjoying my time in the highlands with me including this lovely tumbled local stone. MC - the lines took a bit of gentle persistence. D - the contrast with the natural stone is what I wanted to achieve. P - sad that you won’t make it to this quietly beautiful place but glad you can enjoy my fragments. Go well. B

  5. the chisel holds the tale of your persistence ...


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