
Friday, August 28, 2020

Peace bell in a rainforest


A number of people have asked what has happened to our Japanese peace bell that hung at our house and was gonged for people, events (joyful and sad) and anniversaries.

Our friends Sue and Steve have become the caretakers of the bell. We ceremoniously farewelled the bell from 601 and it was moved to our friends house in a small rainforest on the range. The photos below show the removal of the bell.

Sue and Steve commissioned the building of a beautiful new tori-like structure - they then created a zen like gavel and rock setting for the tori and bell - below. When gonging the bell one looks out into the rainforest and sends vibes through the forest.

Fiona and I attended Sue and Steve's place where we all gonged the bell for peace and other matters in its new setting to establish it in its new setting.

The bell will still be gonged for people, events and occasions. In fact we visited the bell to gong it on ANZAC Day and Hiroshima Day for peace; and asked Sue and Steve to gong it on the anniversary of Jane's death.

The spirit and message of the bell continues.


Comments are welcomed - it is good to connect with fellow travellers.