
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Treehaven Way - last Wednesday morning walk


We have sold our house overlooking the valley and mountains; and will move into our 'new' smaller home next Tuesday all going well. So this morning was my last Wednesday walk along Treehaven Way. The valley was dark when we rose (below); though smoke filled the valley was suffused with soft light and clouds were caught by the rising sun (above).

Though winter still made its presence felt with a cold clear morning some buds and blossoms are bravely showing their colour.

And of course what is not to love about a the seeds of a spent dandelion and a bird on a wire in the sun against a clear blue sky.

We will carry with us images and very strong and fond memories of the time the universe has offered us on the block and the valley vista.

1 comment:

  1. I would be heartbroken to leave such a gorgeous property having put so much effort, love, and creativity into it. It is a credit to you both. Good luck as you embark on a new adventure.


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