
Friday, November 6, 2020

Salad season?


Potential customers can always surprise one. I thought I had a reasonable range of stuff in the DEP gallery-shop in preparation for the open studio day on 21 November. Not so!!! A few people have commented that whilst the ladles are nice it would be good to if there were some salad servers given we are in summer and therefore the time to eat salads. I made a couple sets of salad servers about 4 years ago - one set for us and a set for a friend.

So today I made a start on 6 sets of salad-servers. You can see from the photo above I made good progress on getting the rough work done. The top of the workbench is quite cluttered with bits.

In the main I'm using the metal from silver-plated drink coasters. The basic form of the salad-servers begins with a circle of metal and the creation of shallow bowls (about 8cm in diameter). A notch is cut into the bowl shape to create a salad-fork

Handles are, in the main, being made from 2.5mm thick copper and brass wire. The handles will be riveted to the bowl shapes - 4 rivets for each handle - need to be sturdy - heavy salad?

 I'm hoping to get a few sets finished on Sunday.

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